⭐️ Bella & Boo Kids is a small Edinburgh-based brand who believe in embracing children's fun imaginations.
⭐️We want to create a brand full of products and gifts that children really LOVE... with accessories that dreams are made of.
⭐️We think accessories should be fun and beautiful as well as practical and useful.
⭐️We are a mum and daughter team (with a daughter/granddaughter) ourselves who get silly excited over accessories and we hope that comes across in our brand.
⭐️We have high standards and expectations- we only sell products we love and are of the highest quality. We also take pride in our packaging and quick posting turnaround.
⭐️We want to have products that are really unique and smile-inducing and can’t be found elsewhere. From the perfect gifts to the must-have accessories.
⭐️We get so much joy of seeing kids wearing our products... there is nothing nicer than seeing someone so happy with a new pink poodle handbag and sparkly bow.
⭐️We are stocked in a few really special shops already and will only work with places which are a perfect fit for us... if you think this might be you then please get in touch.